Wednesday, February 24, 2010

third essay

For my third essay, my number one goal is to be prompt about my writing. I am making a conscious effort this time around to write my draft early, and turn in my paper early. That being said, I want to write my paper on a hot topic of our society these days. One short magic word says it all.... DRUGS. What is a drug? The united states government spends millions if not billions of dollars on this so called "war on drugs." Taxpayers money is spent every year on keeping non-violent people locked up in jails away from society because they are partaking in these drug activities. From an early age, we are taught to "say no to drugs!" does that mean that we should skip the aspirin the next time twist our ankle or have a headache? these are all questions I have had personally for quite some time and this paper is a great opportunity to investigate the situation a little more. Maybe not all drugs are as bad as we think. "drugs" is a scary word to some people making some cringe at the thought of talking about it, but I would like to go into depth a little more of what defines this fear instilling word.
hear a few drugs I would like to mention in my paper maybe:
weight loss suppliments
perscription pain killers

Just for your entertainment; a post on the onion's youtube channel I found:

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