Wednesday, April 21, 2010

community health

All my life, people have been asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up. What a terrible question! First of all, I think it is important to NOT grow up. Ok I have bills to pay and other grown-up responsibilities, but I will always be a child at heart. I think it is important for everyone to keep that youngness about them. Don’t believe me? Just watch a child play with bubbles and see how excited they get. If I got half as exited about a career choice, I would have picked something years ago. Second of all, to ask someone to pick a career is asking a lot. How am I supposed to know at the ripe age of 17 (when I entered college) what I want to do for the rest of my life?
This being said, I am proud to announce that after four years of college, I have finally found my calling. Community health is an awesome field of study. There is just so much that can be done with it. If I want, I can go into school and teach children about the benefits of being healthy, or I can go into the community and spread the knowledge that way. And I know that I'm not the healthies of people, but this degree is good motivation to get that way. What’s good about this degree is that it is so broad, and there is so much that can be done with it. I can even stay in school and get my masters if I want… how cool! Never in my life have I actually been so sure about being able to do one thing for the rest of my life. It’s like I’m finally complete and headed in a good direction.

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