Tuesday, February 2, 2010

second essay power of meditation

For the second essay, I would like to take a look at two different texts. Since the essay is not due for a while, I am still in the brainstorming stage. I have two main ideas for this second short essay which is due in a couple weeks. The idea of this second essay is to compare what each message is and and how it is being conveyed.
My first brainstorming idea is to make a claim that focuses on the power of meditation.
First in my essay, I need to define exactly what meditation is. Then I would like to look at two abstract articles... A song (stimulating through sound) , and a visually stimulating article like a stained glass window, as seen in the book.
This evaluation may be a little bit of a challenge, but I think I'm up for it because I believe so strongly in the power of meditation. This is definitely thinking outside the box. I hope it works out. What do you think professor?
My back up plan is to focus still on the power of meditation, but to compare a song and an article of texts such as Meditation states and traits: EEG, ERP, and neuroimaging studieseusoulyoga.com.br [PDF]
I am looking forward to completeing this essay.

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