Tuesday, April 20, 2010

political cartoon

First of all, why are a lot of political cartoons in black and white? Politics need color too right? This assignment has made me realize that I do not know very much about politics. I mean, I really really dont know anything. I had to go with a cartoon that was simple and pretty much self explanitory. In this cartoon from marriedtothesea.com, I notice that my eye is imidiately drawn to the suitcases because the writing is so big on it. "Big problems ahead" is what this cartoon is saying to me. the next thing I notice is that the bellhop is saying "Ill deliver these straight to the united states sir" so now I know that there are big problems being delivered to the united states (uh oh). The last thing I notice is the bell hop is actually George Bush, and the whole cartoon makes sense to me now. It should be no surprise that george bush delivered big trouble to the united stated in his eight year reign, so that would make this political cartoon funny. Haha marriedtothesea.com, very funny. this cartoon is laid out very nicely, because all of the elements fall into place just at the right comedic timing. First "big trouble," then, "delivery for U.S.," and lastly, compliments of GW. this cartoon is so simple, it is hard not to love it. tHIS cartoon says less is more to me. over all very funny and simple.

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